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Spiced Crabapple Jelly

When I gave away Kepner Homestead jellies last year, the clear favorite was our spiced crabapple jelly. So I was eager to make more this year.


Fortunately, Mother Nature cooperated, and the trees from which we harvested on the grounds of a local business last year produced again. Jimmy started checking out the trees in the morning after his Dunkin coffee runs in May. He saw lots of blossoms, which turned into hundreds of crabapples by late August.


He harvested on August 29th, the same day he picked last year. And we went to work on several batches of this pretty jelly that tastes great on fresh bread or English muffins.


I hope our spiced crabapple jelly makes your winter mornings brighter in 2024!


Ingredients: fresh crabapple juice, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, natural fruit pectin

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