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Peach Jam

When my godfather and my aunt texted me to tell me they were going to Chambersburg, PA for peaches, I was interested. When they said the only type of peach available was Red Haven, I said I’d take a bushel.


I hadn’t had the chance to work with Red Haven peaches since 2021, so I was excited to get some again. This delicious early variety of peach takes on a slightly rosy hue when made

into jam.


Jimmy and I made several batches of peach jam this year, along with peach butter and something I’d never heard of: spiced pickled peaches.


I’m looking forward to slathering a bunch of this jam onto some fresh-baked bread this winter. I hope you’re looking forward to trying yours.


Ingredients: fresh peaches, lemon juice, sugar, natural fruit pectin

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